Bush kindy: kids in nature
Last week, I had the privilege of visiting a forest school session in Waituna West (not far from the Manawatu town of Feilding). This is...

Seeking quiet inspiration in the forest
On another of these sweltering hot days, what better thing to do than seek respite in the coolness of the forest. (Well, apart from...

'New Zealand's Rivers' is impressive for its scope, clarity, poignancy and power
It is a daunting to have your work reviewed by someone as well respected in the field of environmental history as Graeme Wynn, Professor...

The mysterious disappearance of Billy and Bob
On Monday afternoon, only a day after getting our new lowline Angus cattle, Billy and Bob (not real names), we came back from...

'Cuteness' has no place on a real farm - lucky we don't have one
On a farm (even just a pretend one like ours), there are always arrival and departures (see Sheep Diaries: The day has come). But Sunday...

Sheep Diaries: The day has come
At last the time has come to say goodbye to our boys: the boys born this spring (see Sheep Diaries: Our first lambs). They were weaned a...

"Beyond Manapouri is an important, highly readable and hard-hitting book"
It is very affirming to read Shaun Barnett's review of "Beyond Manapouri: 50 years of environmental politics" in this month's Backcountry...

Nature & wellbeing in NZ – case study ideas please
As you may have seen from an earlier post The connection between nature & wellbeing, I am interested in exploring the connection between...

The ban on single-use plastic bags: good things take time
Rarely can I say that I was ahead of my time, but when it comes to single-use plastic bags, it may be a fair claim. Fifteen years ago, in...

Why we should be nice to Australians (especially ones who have been here a long time)
During dinner a week or so ago, we noticed a couple of spur-winged plovers in hot pursuit of a swamp harrier; we were alerted to the...