Even Thatcher realised the need for government action on climate
In this latest piece for Newsroom , I argue that The government’s Emissions Reduction Plan takes ‘small government’ to an unprecedented...
"Beyond Manapouri is an important, highly readable and hard-hitting book"
It is very affirming to read Shaun Barnett's review of "Beyond Manapouri: 50 years of environmental politics" in this month's Backcountry...
Is the 'expert' undervalued in the public sector?
Following on from my previous post about the dimunition of free and frank advice in the public sector performance (Are we well-served by...
"Beyond Manapouri" short-listed for award
Forget about what Pixie thinks, Beyond Manapouri: 50 years of environmental politics in New Zealand has been short-listed for the New...
Are we well-served by our public sector? The 'rat in the wheel' effect
Earlier this week, I was privileged to be invited to participate on a panel discussing proposed changes to the State Sector Act, hosted...
‘Beyond Manapouri’ is a must-read for all landscape architects and planners
“Reading this book will likely change your perception of the New Zealand environment. It is a must-read for all New Zealand landscape...
Have we been too hands off when it comes to our environment?
Reflecting on what I learnt from researching the last 50 years of environmental policy and management in New Zealand, a question has...
Is New Zealand on the verge of a tipping point?
In a recent article published in George Washington University’s online journal History News Network, I argue that New Zealand may be on...
'A vision to restore the environment': how history helps us make sense of the present
Earlier this month, the Minister for the Environment David Parker made an address to the Forest & Bird annual conference entitled "A...