Is the 'expert' undervalued in the public sector?
Following on from my previous post about the dimunition of free and frank advice in the public sector performance (Are we well-served by...

Are we well-served by our public sector? The 'rat in the wheel' effect
Earlier this week, I was privileged to be invited to participate on a panel discussing proposed changes to the State Sector Act, hosted...

What is at the root of our most serious environmental problems?
I have been reading Max Harris' much acclaimed book The New Zealand Project (BWB Books, 2017). Harris believes that to face the major...

The costs of our love affair with detached houses and cars - 1981 report
Last month, the OECD's most recent report on New Zealand's environmental 'performance' was released. This is the fourth OECD report on...

The narrowing 'margin for environmental miscalculation'
I feel compelled to share more gleanings from Lynton Caldwell - I am simply astounded by how strongly his ruminations still resonate...

'Public interest' = political power?
I have been reading an article by American professor of government, Lynton Caldwell. The article, published in 1963, is thought to be the...