Funny animal friends - Pohangina style
One of the things we enjoy about living in the country is observing the interactions of the animals - both among their own kind and with...

'Cuteness' has no place on a real farm - lucky we don't have one
On a farm (even just a pretend one like ours), there are always arrival and departures (see Sheep Diaries: The day has come). But Sunday...

Sheep Diaries: The day has come
At last the time has come to say goodbye to our boys: the boys born this spring (see Sheep Diaries: Our first lambs). They were weaned a...

When you go down to the woods today ...
... you might be pleased (at least, if you are an amateur like me) to take a half-decent photograph - one that goes some way to convey...

Sheep diaries: Not so black & white
We had come to the conclusion that lambs would either be born all black or all white, and in an alternate sequence, as it turns out. (The...

Sheep diaries: An exposition on bouncing
Next, it was the turn of one of the 'Pohangina Three' (two of whom lost lambs to pneumonia last year [see: Sheep Diaries - the...

Sheep diaries - Our first lambs
It was Saturday, and we had just come home from an afternoon of geocache-hiding in Rangitikei as part of our Wildbore series. Dusk was...

The Sheep Diaries - the backstory
It is spring! And that means lambing season - an exciting time of us, as near-novices to sheep husbandry. To record our happenings,...

Undoing environmental history (with a spade)
This blog was originally published in 2011 on envirohistory NZ. Though my implement of choice for environmental history is the pen (or...