What's the number 1 feedback about New Zealand's Rivers?

I have had really amazing feedback from people who have read New Zealand's Rivers. I thank every one of you who has taken the time to get in touch with me to tell me about what the book has meant to you - I appreciate it very much.
The number one feedback so far has been how accessible the book is - people say it is an "easy read". Some writers might take this to mean that the book is not "academic" or profound enough. But I couldn't be more thrilled, as this was exactly my intent in writing the book.
Rivers are an important to us as New Zealanders (along with the rest of our natural environment), and New Zealanders should not have to wade through complex, technical language or jargon to learn more about their environment or its history. This book was about "informing" and starting a conversation about our historic treatment of our rivers and how we can do better in the future ... but it can only do that if people read it!
So thank you to all of you who have read the book, and for those of you who are planning to do so over the summer break, please get in touch with your reflections - I look forward to hearing from you!