Vignettes from country life: the dead reindeer phenomenon

I have discovered that living in the country can lead to some interesting conversations. The smallholder that lives next to us raises deer, which my four-year old daughter insists on calling reindeers - and we don't have the heart to correct her. 'Reindeers' are therefore not infrequently the topic of conversation. Take this exchange between her, myself and my 8 year-old son yesterday for instance:
4 year old (looking out car window): What is it called when a reindeer is die-ded?
Mum (helpfully): You mean 'meat?' (Note to reader: this is not as cynical as it might sound - we were given some wild venison a few days back and I thought perhaps she was referring to that)
4 year old: Nope ...
8 year old (less helpfully): 'Death??'
4 year old (getting a bit impatient): No! It starts with 'reindeer'!
8 year old: 'Reindeer death'??
4 year old (exasperated/crossing her arms in an exaggerated fashion): No!!
And so concluded that conversation. Rather unsatisfactorily for my daughter.
Note that the image above is of a sleeping rather than dead reindeer, in consideration of our younger readers.